Sunday, January 21, 2007
I Should be Doing
something else of course. Taxes.

I have a week left before filing up 1099 and W2s.

Instead, I stayed up all night watching Gilmore Girls, and will now be totally useless for the whole day.

Let's see who gets to be really irritable now.

My husband and I have a wonderful day today. I wasn't even mad at him even for a second. See, this is how we are, when he's not being crabby.

I am never crabby. I am a perfect wife. No, I am The Perfect Wife.

Drat. I really, really hate customer service. I'll tell you why another time, but man. Some customers are assholes. Really. Asses one and all.
posted by Czarina at 2:52 AM | Permalink |