Tuesday, January 16, 2007
It's really cold out here in our part of Texas. In fact, it's so cold, I am thinking of buying a weatherstripping for my front door. One of my kids peeled off the bottom part of the stripping by the front door. Now you can feel the draft wafting through it every time I walk on by.

Last night, my husband totally pissed me off for like 20 minutes. I asked him to take somethings out and put them outside the front door so someone can pick them up. What did he do?

He carried the buckets I asked him to halfway to the front door. That's it. He then left and went back to watching TV. It got me so mad because why bother doing something if you're only going to do a half-assed job of it?

I am totally warning my kids to only marry someone who knows where to put the dirty laundry, how to clean dishes, knows to clean floor, and not leave stuff lying around.

That's how my husband is (I guess he has to be, coz then he'd be perfect if he doesn't) and it's so darn annoying.

I am totally blaming his mother on this one. If she knows how to straighten up a bit, then my husband would know too instead of being perfectly comfortable in a cluttered (clean but cluttered) house.



posted by Czarina at 11:46 AM | Permalink |